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Friday, September 2, 2011

Quick notes for the campaign

Objectives One of the biggest problems I have with mini games is the nasty habit of the game crawling down to one side battering the other to bits. Virtually all battles in this campaign will have a primary and secondary objective for each side, and they will not be directly related. The primary objective will be worth 2/3rds of the value rolled for the battle. This will represent the primary thrust for that side, and is priced accordingly. The secondary objective is not critical but will net a tidy bonus of 1/3rd of the total. So remember, the BV you receive for a battle represents materials provided by your side, scavenging, salvaging and other backdoor resource gathering. Do not forget that withdrawing from the field is a valid option to conserve your forces Salvage Salvage is a touchy topic but this is my initial thoughts for how to handle this in the game. The first thing a side needs to do is either hold the field of battle at the end of the game, or drag off the unit they want to salvage. Assuming they manage this the players on that side need to decide which player will get the salvage (yes it is possible to give an npc unit the downed mech with the goal of upgrading their force too). If players dont want to give away the unit, a player on that side has the option of "purchasing" the damaged unit for its BV (adjusted by condition) given to the other players (evenly) to represent the haggling and trading needed to unload the unit. There is also the option of selling off the unit to gain its BV for that side, adjusted for the tech on it, as the advanced electronics of an SLDF unit are quite valuable to the Periphery. As issues come up, I will post on here for what changes occur. Militia reliability As the militia troopers of the Outworlds Alliance are fighting for their homes, occasionally they will break ranks and attack the SLDF, even when its not a sound tactical choice. Each unit will roll for reliability on creation or introduction, with famous advisers mitigating this slightly. Since the players dont pay for their militia units, they DO NOT get to pick the quality level. Militia check when WMDs are used, when a civilian unit are fired upon, a civilian building is destroyed, or when an adviser is knocked out of action or communication. Reliability 2d6 roll to maintain composure Fanatical 3+ Regular 5+ Questionable 7+

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