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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fixing the roster, an experiment


Pilot Mech Skills Skill points Gunnery/Piloting
Hauptmann Krauthammer
 (NPC Unit Commander)
Thunderbolt TDR-10M Maneuver Ace - 2/3
Hunter Lightray 4W2 Medium Mech Lvl 1           Laser Specialist Lvl 2 3 3/5
Jon Madcat 3 Medium Mech Specialist Lvl 1 10 4/5
JT Locust 6X2 Evasion 3
        Melee Specialist 3           Light Mech Specialist 2           Lone Gunner 1
6 4/5
Matt Orion Custom 17 4/5
Scott Odin OD-1N PPC Specialist 1 14 4/5
Friar Archangel (WoB Omni) Tactics 1
           Assault Mech 2           Crackshot
3 3/5
AJ Wight WGT-2SC Targeting Ace           Crackshot 6
Patrick Phoenix Hawk PXH-6D 11


Pilot Mech Skills Skill points Gunnery/Piloting
Dave Longbow 12X Missile Lock 11
Steven Centurion CN9-D5 Rapid Fire AC 4
Garrett BlackJack Omni Medium Mech Lvl 1
       Jump and Shoot
18 4/5
George Blackjack BJ-3 PPC Specialist 1
           Shoot & Scoot 1
9 3/5
Tony Hunchback 5P Scoot and Shoot 1 8 4/5
Virus Blood Asp (Clan Omni) Pulse Laser Spc. 3 6 4/5
Jake Phoenix Hawk Medium Mech Lvl 2 3 4/5
Billy Wolverine WVR-9W2 Jump & Shoot 5 4/5
Alex Hollander BZK-F6X Crackshot 9 4/5
Typhoon Alpha Typhoon RAC 2


Name Mechs Vehicles Infantry Others
Dave 4 6 0 0
Garrett 3 4 2 0
George 3 5 0 0
AJ 3 1 0 0
Jon 0 0 0 0
Billy 1 1 0 0
Steven 1 1 0 0
Friar 7 1 0 0
Matt 1 0 0 0
Scott 1 0 0 0
Virus 1 0 0 0
Alex 1 0 0 0
Hunter 1 0 0 0
JT 2 0 0 0

Let me know how it looks, and if you like it thank Scott for doing the Html coding

Friday, February 18, 2011

Scenario for 2/19


Unknown traces have been detected near your location, on a bearing of 90'09 at a distance of 1.75 km. Proceed to the location and neutralize all hostiles. We believe the traces are the Liao terrorist's dropships preparing to escape their rightful punishment. To be so thoroughly hidden from our scans they must be hidden and shrouded, unable to use their main weapons. Computer estimates give you a window of 2 minutes before weapons hot on the dropship and 4 before take off.

Prosecute and terminate...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Roster for 2/5

Unit roster

Pilot            Mech            Skills            Skill points left
Hauptmann Krauthammer Thunderbolt TDR-10M    Maneuver Ace        11
(the NPC commander of the merc unit)
    G3, P4
Garrett            BlackJack Omni        Medium Mech Lvl 1     18
    G4, P5                    Jump and Shoot
George            Blackjack BJ-3        PPC Specialist 1    9
    G4, P5                    Scoot and Shoot 1
Hunter            Lightray 4W2        Medium Mech Lvl 1    20
    G4, P5
Jon            Madcat 3                    8
    G4, P5
JT            Locust 6X2        Evasion 3        13-x
    G4, P5                    Melee Specialist 1
Matt            Orion Custom        none            17
    G4, P5
Scott            Xanthos XNT-3P        PPC Specialist 1    10
    G4, P5
Friar            Archangel omni        Tactics 1        3
    G 3, P5                    Assault Mech Lvl 2
AJ            Wight            ?            X+12
Patrick        Phoenix Hawk        ?        11

Dave (Inactive)        Longbow 12X        Missile lock        11
Steven (Inactive)    Centurion CN9-D5    Rapid Fire Autocannon    4
Tony (inactive)        Hunchback 5P        Scoot and Shoot 1    8
    G4, P5
Virus (inactive)    Blood Asp omni        Pulse Laser Spec 3    6
    G4, P5
Jake (inactive)        Phoenix Hawk        Medium Mech Lvl 2    3
    G4, P5
Billy (inactive)    Wolverine WVR-9W2    Jump and Shoot        5
    G4, P5
Alex (inactive)        Hollander BZK-F6X    Crackshot        9
    G4, P5

Typhoon Alpha        Typhoon RAC        none            2

Kill Tally - whose the deadliest?
Name  Mechs Vehicles Infantry Other
Dave    4    6    0    0
Garret    3    4    2    0
George    3    5    0    0
AJ    3    1    0    0
Jon    0    0    0    0
Billy    1    1    0    0
Steven    1    1    0    0 

Friar    1    1    0    0 

Matt    1    0    0    0
Scott    1    0    0    0
Virus    1    0    0    0
Alex    1    0    0    0
Hunter    1    0    0    0
JT    1    0    0    0