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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Welcome to Keystone

Welcome to Keystone, your new duty station mercs. Please remember to keep your re-breather on until you are in an environmentally sealed vehicle or building.

Keystone Planetary Data 

  • Number of Satellites: 1 (Ea)
  • Surface Gravity: 1.1
  • Atm. Pressure: Low (Tainted)
  • Equatorial Temperature: 35°C (Temperate)
  • Surface Water: 35%
  • Highest Native Life: Plants 

You've been hired to provide additional support for the defense of the headquarters of Earthworks incorporated here on Keystone.

There are three active forces on planet that you will need to protect against.
  1. The "Loyal Opposition" - this group is ostentatiously only against Word of Blake occupation of the Free Worlds League. Known to have one lance of medium mechs and one company of vehicles, primarily wheeled and hover.
  2. Citizens for a Democratic Keystone - what started out as a peaceful student protest group has become something more sinister. Expect light vehicles supporting possible terrorist actions and rumors of massed infantry.
  3. Freedom Now! - rumored to be trained by Capellan and Chaos March insurgents, while poorly equipped with older vehicles in general, the elite infantry of this group is rumored to have access to at least one squad of battle armor somehow, with rumors of a whole platoon.

Bonus Skill points
     Everyone has the opportunity to gain bonus skill points. I am currently working on a map for the city on Keystone you will be defending and policing. However a proper city needs buildings to fill it. So here's the deal;
  • you gain 1 skill point for each unique building you come up with
  • you can get 2 skill points for a building that is useful as an objective or has some additional side effect in game play. Give me something to use and you get additional points
  • you can get a maximum of 6 points total
  • to send an idea just post it in the comments

    1 comment:

    1. Mech/Vehicle Fusion Power Plant testing facility (Detonates if enough damage is applied)

      Planetary Media Broadcast facility (Useful as propaganda/communications blackout target)

      Interplanetary Shipping Depot (May contain weapons caches/contraband that could be exposed/seized-then-sold)

      Earthworks Head Office Building
      Earthworks Satellite Office Buildings
      Earthworks Bank and Trust Vault buildings
      Earthworks R&D Facility (Could contain experimental tech)

      City Tram/Underground Rail Station (perfect for a surprise "center-of-town" assault)
